Digital Health Startups and Big Data Disruption

Thursday, October 27th, 3.00 pm - 4:30 pm

Panel Objective:
The objective of this panel is to provide the audience with examples of three amazing Digital Health startups and hear first-hand from their founders and CEO’s on the problems they are addressing and how their companies are leveraging technology including Big Data to address these problems. Moderated Q&A to immediately follow the presentations.

Partha Nandi
Physician Talk Show Host at Ask Dr. Nandi
Stewart Wang
CEO of Prenovo and Endowed Professor of Surgery
Daniel Rhodes
CEO and Founder of Strata Oncology
Kevin Mayes
CEO of prescriptiQ


Physician Talk Show Host at Ask Dr. Nandi
CEO of Prenovo and Endowed Professor of Surgery
CEO and Founder of Strata Oncology
CEO of prescriptiQ