Information Technology |
Session 1: Social Media Strategy & Digital Media |
This session talks on social media strategy for startups to leverage rich digital content in order to get traction, gain more business, increase market penetration and build a brand. The speakers discuss on how social media can help startups reach larger audiences, how viral videos can help technology startups, their advantages and disadvantages. Experts also discuss the cost benefits of using social media and provide insight on other digital media platforms targeted for rich digital content sharing and generation that startups can benefit from. Entrepreneurs with startup in social media can learn more about challenges in attempting to leverage digital media as a part of company's SMS, the industry standards or benchmarks about how much a company should spend on Social Media and how to make it an integral part of SMS. This session also details the hot areas VC/Investors are looking for to invest in this wide Social Media landscape. |
Salon 5
Fri 29th 2010 at 1:00 pm |
Session 2: Mobile and Real Time Web |
This session deals with opportunities for startups in the Mobile space and the creation of mobile product/services. The experts discuss on mobile revolution-a bloom/gloom, various approaches to enter the mobile space and the location based real time web-a hype/hit. Entrepreneurs can gain knowledge on how to get into this space, the market study required, how to decide on the sweet spot and to guarantee an upper edge in the products offering. From an investor perspective, the VC/Investors discuss how to harness the mobile application landscape which is wide with variety of technologies coming together to make it the next frontier, ranging from location based services, location based advertising, location based social apps, productivity and entertainment applications, realtime web on the go, augmented reality apps and mobile gaming. |
Salon 5
Fri 29th 2010 at 2:30 pm |
Global Transactions |
The global economic slowdown has forced business leaders to re-examine the Mergers & Acquisitions aspect of corporate strategy in areas relative to finance, resources and revenue growth. As the recovery starts, global and cross-border transactions will play an important role as corporations will increasingly look beyond the traditional markets to achieve growth. Michigan has a unique position in this process with its historical manufacturing base, a strong pool of talent and rising emphasis on emerging sectors. These present significant but challenging opportunities.
With escalating consumer demand and phenomenal economic growth in some countries and increasing foreign direct investment, the objective of this session is to catch a perspective of where we were at the end of 2009, where we are today and what are the potential opportunities lurking in the near future with regard to cross-border transactions, with special emphasis to China and India. As organizations and investors turn toward international opportunities, the session will also provide an overview of practical considerations and challenges, including several industry-specific insights.
A team of experts from various disciplines including Legal, Private Equity, Investment Banking, Technology and Foreign Liaison will provide thoughtful and relevant information at the beginning of the session followed by specific questions from the audience. |
Salon 5
Thu 28th 2010 at 1:00 pm |
Health Care |
Session 1: Impact of innovation in technology in reducing Health care cost |
Behind the Numbers report, employee health care costs are expected to rise by more than nine percent in 2011. If that projection holds for the foreseeable future, health care costs will double in about eight to nine years. Our idea is that technology and innovation can help reduce health costs or, at least restrain the rate of growth, without diminishing the availability or quality of care. Innovation becomes inevitable with every challenge, and it brings about opportunity for entrepreneurs. Our Panel of leaders will discuss how the challenge of rising health care costs brings opportunity into this space. |
Salon 7
Fri 29th 2010 at 1:00 pm |
Session 2: Post Reform and Govt Push Impact on Health Care Industry as challenge and opportunity |
The idea behind Health Care reform is to provide health insurance to 30 million uninsured people, which means more volume for both providers and payers. Interpretation and implementation of this brings huge challenges as well as opportunities. Our panel of industry leaders will share their views not only on the impact of reform - but also on other bills which bring many opportunities for entrepreneurs to play in, and salvage, the crisis in health care. |
Salon 7
Fri 29th 2010 at 2:30 pm |
Emerging Trends |
Session 1: Automotive Multimedia and Telematics |
According to Strategy Analytics, the market for automotive multimedia and telematics systems is poised for growth somewhere to $27 billion by 2014, and over 80% of new vehicles produced will be fitted with a wireless connectivity feature. At its core, telematics is all about wireless connectedness--by voice, text, graphics, video, and even detailed data about the technical status of the vehicle. Some telematics goodies that most people know about right now are navigation assistance, traffic information, tracking of stolen cars, and automatic notification of emergency services if the car crashes. Safety, durability, cost, and design time have all factored into auto manufacturers' delayed acceptance of the new technology. The key challenge automotive suppliers are facing is how the increasing market demand for multimedia, communications and safety applications will drive wireless vehicle-device and interfacing choices for the vehicle. How will an easy integration be realized by the device industry and the OEMs? How can sophisticated integration, design and interfaces be solved intelligently?
Opening up the software will enable the production of scores of apps that drivers may find useful. Some of the apps and features of smart phones are already impacting services that used to be nice profit centers for auto manufacturers. GPS navigation is now widely available right on you phone, and is free for many. Automakers and suppliers aren’t exactly known for the type of open-source software approach that drives app development. But that’s changing.
During the panel discussion, industry experts will provide insight on the future opportunities in the automotive multimedia & telematics area. Discussions will include business opportunities in consulting, engineering services, software development, web based services & component manufacturing. The speakers will also share enriching experiences on the latest strategy developments in this burgeoning field. Learn how to realize a seamless integration of portable infotainment and entertainment devices with intelligent interfaces. Auto Industry is definitely shaping into a fun spectrum of information, entertainment and durability. Will this sustain? |
Salon 6
Fri 29th 2010 at 2:30 pm |
Session 2: Crowdsourcing |
Technological advances in everything from product design software to digital video cameras are breaking down the cost barriers that once separated amateurs from professionals. Hobbyists, part-timers, and dabblers suddenly have a market for their efforts, as smart companies in industries as disparate as pharmaceuticals and television discover ways to tap the latent talent of the crowd. The labor isn’t always free, but it costs a lot less than paying traditional employees. It’s not outsourcing; it’s crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a distributed problem-solving and production model. Problems are broadcast to an unknown group of solvers in the form of an open call for solutions. Users—also known as the crowd—typically form into online communities, and the crowd submits solutions.
Companies like uTest and Get Fresh Detroit leverage the marketplace for different services.uTest is the world’s largest marketplace for software testing services, uTest offers a more efficient way to get their web, mobile and desktop applications tested: On-demand, through a global community of professional software testers.
Get Fresh Detroit is a social enterprise that leverages existing food distribution channels to make fresh and healthy foods more affordable and more accessible in lower-income areas. In addition to engaging community members in the design, distribution, and promotion of its products, Get Fresh Detroit capitalizes on the ultimate form of crowdsourcing: local employment. |
Salon 7
Thu 28th 2010 at 1:00 pm |
Networking is for Neanderthals |
Networking is primal. It's biological. We need it. We crave it. Most of us get it wrong and are “broadcasting” the wrong message about our business or career path, losing thousands of dollars in new and existing business or in promotable salaries.
Shawne does networking like no one else. After this session you will never network or see networking the same again, guaranteed.
When it comes to networking, Shawne will rattle your existing notions of relationship marketing. It’s not about passing out and gathering business cards. Most of those cards end up in the garbage with no follow up. Networking is about creating deep relationships, unmasking your authentic self and catapulting word of mouth – the best advertising for your business. |
Thu 28th 2010 at 10:15 am |
Global Midwest - Immigration & Innovation as Drivers |
The Great Lakes region contains some of the most powerful research universities in the world, the foundation of America's manufacturing base, the world's largest supply of fresh water, and numerous other important economic assets. In the early 20th century, it was the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of European immigrants who invented the technologies, manufacturing process, business practices that made America the world's economic leader. Learn how inspiring initiatives (Global Detroit, Global Cleveland, Global Pittsburgh, etc.) are launching throughout the Midwest to attract international talent and entrepreneurialism to reinvent regional economies and metropolitan areas. The Rust Belt's future is more promising than you have ever imagined. |
Salon 6
Thu 28th 2010 at 1:00 pm |
Social Entrepreneurship and Business Karma
"It's the right thing to do" |
In the olden days business got done by what you knew. If you didn't have a skill, a big idea or a strong back, you didn't get paid. Recently people decided it wasn't what you know, but who you know that's important. The right connections could lead you most anywhere.
Nowadays what really matters is "how you're known". Are you a good person? Do you help others? Do you do what you said you would do? Without a strong personal brand that is committed to doing the right thing, you will not succeed in the age of business karma.
Join Terry Bean, author, serial entrepreneur and founder of Motor City Connect, as he merges business and spirituality right in front of your eyes.
You will walk out of this impactful seminar with big ideas on:
Letting go of the "so what" of your life |
Authentic communication |
The power of doing it now |
Ways to lead whilst serving |
How giving helps you receive |
Attracting, engaging and enrolling others |
The planetary shift in consciousness |
This presentation will answer a lot of questions and will likely raise some new ones for you.
Witness the never seen before presentation by Michigan’s very own Attraction Hero Terry Bean on Social Entrepreneurship and Business Karma. Do not miss! |
Fri 29th 2010 at 11:00 am |
Women's Forum |
Women's Forum Presents: How to Create, Connect and Collaborate without compromising your values |
Did you know that |
10.1 million firms are owned by women; |
As of 2008, these women-owned businesses have employed nearly 13 million people and generate $1.9 trillion in revenue; |
Even the Wall Street Journal recently included an article which noted that the number of business run by women increased twice as fast as those run by men during this recession. |
Recognizing the economic impact of women-owned businesses, TiE CON Midwest is proud to bring back our second annual TiE Women’s Forum. All conference attendees are encouraged and welcomed to join this interactive session which will showcase the entrepreneurial journeys of four women from diverse backgrounds and diverse industries. Learn how different paths to success are being created with meaningful connections and partnerships which strengthen rather than dilute fundamental principles. |
Thu 28th 2010 at 11:15 am |
Business Ethics - Dharma & Karma |
A visionary company doesn't simply balance between idealism and profitability: it seeks to be highly idealistic and highly profitable. A visionary company doesn't simply balance between preserving a tightly held core ideology and stimulating vigorous change and movement; it does both to an extreme.
Jim Collins
Today, we live in a more dynamic world, where longevity and geographical mobility together ensures that one can compress several lives in one as it were. This allows us in the role of entrepreneurs to look at both Karma (Act) and Dharma (Uphold) and righteousness as two sides of the same coin in our morally complex world.
Creating a business on values and purpose without holding to the outcome creates a very difficult business model. Time has come for us to look at our business holistically and create a model that sustains through hopes, dreams, fears and sorrows. We have to unite to reaffirm the fact that pursuing one’s business goals passionately through being detached by the outcome/results will only maximize the potential in an individual to grow.
The rest of the world may not know this, but Karma can be seen everywhere. Today, some companies are successful because of the work they have done in the past which has led to positive consequences that have proven beneficial to the society at large. Vice versa, we have companies that have existed for years that are currently causing environmental imbalances. Scientific changes in the management are the need of the hour. Long term sustainable profits can only come through Dharma. In other words, where there is Dharma, you cannot avoid Karma. Dharma and Karma are strategies and not a religious thought.
Modern management is increasingly adopting Vedic precepts to stay in the race for market share. Theories abound where an individual looks at a problem with a partial state of mind. This deteriorates the reasoning power of the individual and leads to the loss of physical and mental energies that causes excessive damage.
The talk by the spiritual leader and successful serial entrepreneur/gastroenterologist Dr. Krishna Kumar will provide extensive knowledge and strategies to blend Dharma and Karma to your benefit. Apart from sharing successful case studies of Karmic businesses, the key questions tackled: |
Conquest of Karma that lies in detachment |
Using authority and power with dharma to gain good karma |
Know thyself to become thyself |
Creating a profitable business through a positive impact on people and the world around you |
How to reap profits without attaching to the outcome. |
Salon 7
Fri 29th 2010 at 03:45 pm |
Up and Coming Entrepreneurs
Have you always wanted to launch your own company but just don't know where to get started or if it may even be the right path for you? Well you have already taken a step in the right direction by attending Business Karma 3.0. But if you are looking for even more information to see if you have what it takes, then stop by Innovation Alley to learn about the resources available in our community and from our partner organizations. Students from University of Michigan Dearborn in particular will be available from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 28, 2010 in Plaza A and Plaza B to present on the following programs that would be of interest to any budding entrepreneur: |
Entrepreneurship Mentoring Council by Carlos Parisi |
Environmental Sustainability Week by Whitney Agemy |
Mpowered Career Fair by Jamila Sharif |
Professional Development Week by Justin Vasilevski |
E-Academy by Roxi Laslau and |
1000 pitches by Justin Hnatio |
Plaza A & B
Thu 28th 2010 at 01:00 pm |