Building the Connected Landscape

Smart Cities Solution

Friday, October 28th 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Panel Objective:
While the developed world faces the challenge of technology deluge and over consumerism, more than half of the global population still faces basic survival challenges of clean water, sanitation, daily nutrition, medical help and education. While most of these geographies have mobile connectivity, the lack of infrastructure connectivity disables real mobility. Lessons from developing economies have shown radical urbanization and forced mass movement of populations to urbanize had negative impact, disrupting a whole generation’s progress. How do we help plan, design, strategize and apply the human, technological and state resources to connect huge populations and add them to the global market?
Steve Tobocman
Managing Partner, New Solutions Group, LLC
Rohit Pasam
Serial Entrepreneur, CEO at Xaptum
Perry Mehta
CEO, FutureNet Group, Inc.
Mateen Syed
Managing Partner, Bizhance


Managing Partner, Bizhance


Managing Partner, New Solutions Group, LLC
Serial Entrepreneur, CEO at Xaptum
CEO, FutureNet Group, Inc.