Rohit Pasam

Serial Entrepreneur, CEO at Xaptum

Rohit Pasam - Chief Executive Officer, Xaptum, Inc. – is an industry trailblazer who runs technology businesses through the life cycle of start-up to mature with an incisive understanding of value drivers for technology products in the marketplace. Pasam has previously founded successful technology businesses in technology services and outsourced product development. In 2013, AT&T named him one of AT&T’s innovators in Internet of Things. Pasam is co-Founder/CEO of Xaptum - building the future communications infra-structure for IoT. Xaptum's product offering, the Xaptum Edge Network Fabric™, is the world’s first edge computing infrastructure to securely exchange IoT data between IoT devices and the cloud securely, real-time at massive scale. Pasam has a Masters in Bioengineering from University of Illinois, Chicago and is currently on leave from his PhD.