State of the Connected Vehicle and it's Ecosystem: Opportunities for Monetization.

Friday October 28th, 10.00am - 12:00pm

Panel Objective:
The panel will focus on providing the audience insights into what are the trends, gaps and opportunities to monetize the connected vehicle and connected mobility space. Business model challenges and the sustainability of business models will be discussed. You will also hear from startups describing their journeys to find the right business model. Each panelist will speak briefly on a topic area to provide the audience more specific insights into trends, challenges and opportunities and then collectively the panel will shed additional insights via Q&A among the panelists and then allow the audience to ask questions:
Speaker Topic
Salim Momin
President – SRS Enterprises LLC
Panel Chair
Mike Brennan
CEO, Editor & Publisher
Carrie Morton
Deputy Dir. Mobility Transformation Center – Univ. of Michigan
Moving from a Funded Model to a Self Sustaining Model - Disruptive Opportunities in the Connected Vehicle Ecosystem
Cory Hohs
The Pivoting Business Model – a Startup’s Journey
Ansgar Strother
Founder & CEO of Movatic
Movatic : The Integration Business Model for Connected Mobility.
Joe Berry
CEO JBJ Advisors & Consultant to Inrix
Hidden challenges for OEMs and others looking to monetize the connected vehicle
Lyudmila Mishra
Director, Automotive Division at Covisint
Unlocking The Value of Connected Car Data using Dynamic Relationship Mapping and Portable Digital Identities

Panel Chair

President, SRS Enterprises LLC and Executive-in-residence Macomb OU Incubator


CEO, Editor & Publisher


Deputy Director, Mobility Transformation Center
Founder & CEO of Movatic
Founder and Managing Director – JBJ Advisors
Director, Automotive Division at Covisint