Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines and systems. Artificial intelligence is already all around us, from web search to video games. AI methods plan driving directions, filter spam, and focus cameras on faces. AI lets you guide your phone with your voice and read foreign newspapers in English. Beyond today's applications, AI is at the core of many new technologies that will shape our future. From self-driving cars to household robots, advancements in AI help transform science fiction into real systems. In this track we talk about application of AI in Genomics, Deep learning and have a panel discussion with industry leaders on the Future of AI.

Friday, October 28th

3:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Keynote-1 : Genomics 101 using R: real world inferences in biology

Sanjay Joshi
CTO Healthcare and Life Sciences, Dell EMC, Emerging Technologies
3:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Keynote-2 : Idiomatic Deep Learning for Machine Understanding

Daniel Pressel
Chief Science Officer at Digital Roots
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Panel Discussion, "The Future of AI"

Sanjay Joshi
CTO Healthcare and Life Sciences, Dell EMC, Emerging Technologies
Bala Deshpande
Program co-chair Predictive Analytics World-Manufacturing
Jennifer Marsman
Principal Software Development Engineer, Microsoft
Jason Mars
Professor, University of Michigan and CEO/Co-founder of Clinc
Lingjia Tang
Professor Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan