Distributed Ledgers and blockchain

Friday November 10th, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Blockchain is finally a reality. It is here and you cannot escape it. Blockchain has moved beyond just a technology behind Bitcoin to its own completely disruptive entity. Armed with a huge potential to transform industry operating models, many corporates are getting involved. Still some believe that Blockchain is stuck in its exploration phase with all its grandeur for unlimited possibilities but is yet to translate into practical solutions for businesses. In an IBM study released in 2016, 15% of banks said they have plans to put blockchain into commercial production by 2017, and 91% of banks are investing in blockchain for deposit-taking. The World Economic Forum, meanwhile, estimates that some 80% of banks are actively working on blockchain projects. Join the experts at TiECon Detroit and experience why in the last year or so, the industry has seen $1.4 BN global investments in start-ups across numerous sectors. Why Blockchain is not just about Finance. Register for TiECon Detroit 2017 and check out where early startups are cropping up, new investors doing deals and why Blockchain is transforming the way we do business- whether it is Arcade City (A ride-sharing app); or the music industry.