Sarah Myrand

Executive Director TiE Detroit, Operations Chair TiECon Midwest

Sarah joined TiE Detroit in January 2015 and immediately made it her goal to revive and diversify the chapter. Myrand built an annual calendar of events for networking, education and mentoring, established an Angel Group, tripled membership, and doubled participation in TYE Detroit, TiE’s youth program for high school students. She worked diligently to bring awareness to TiE by establishing relationships with local affiliates, universities, and organizations or groups involving technology entrepreneurs or start-ups.

Sarah's passion and drive has immensely helped towards growth of the chapter, and she was recently awarded “Executive Director of the Year” out of 61 chapters around the world for turnaround efforts resulting in significant progress and growth to TiE Detroit.

Sarah’s mission for TiE is to provide opportunities and make connections for the local startup community. TiE’s power comes from their strong and unique global network.