Nipa Shah

Social Media Chair

Nipa Shah is one of Southeast Michigan’s leading marketing experts leveraging her 20-year career at General Motors along with more than 10 years of successful entrepreneurship.

Nipa is the founder of Jenesys Group (JG), a marketing consultancy. JG has created 700 websites and managed & executed over 300 digital marketing campaigns.

Nipa’s professional career started at General Motors Corporation where she quickly gained a reputation for directly impacting the bottom-line.

Nipa saved General Motors $30 million dollars through reengineering activities, by consolidating applications and streamlining operations. Nipa also led the negotiations for technology contracts valued at $850 million and helped GM achieve over $200 million in savings.

In 2015, Nipa became an “indie filmmaker” with the production ofa Hollywood feature film, Paid in Full. She continues pursuing her passion for filmmaking, with the production of documentaries & short films on topical social issues.

Keynote: Women’s Empowerment
Women leaders are made, not born.This is the topic of Nipa’s keynote presentation and panel discussion at various leadership conferences. She discusses having passion, drive, a strong faith, and determination to live life large. Her real life experiences motivate and energize women participants.

Women attendees responded to her keynote with, “you motivated me”, “you were real”, and “I am going to immediately begin doing what I should be doing after listening to you”.

Nipa lives in Michigan with her husband and two children. She is an avid blogger on Huffington Post and calls herself as a “super-type A mom” on Twitter (@nipashah).