Komal Anand Doshi

Research Specialist at SMART, University of Michigan

Komal Anand Doshi

Komal Anand Doshi is a Research Specialist at SMART (Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation) at the University of Michigan. She works to catalyze and support global collaborations that demonstrate a systems approach to achieving integrated, user-focused, equitable and sustainable transportation in global urban regions, and the resulting economic opportunity. Her research and project management work also focuses on understanding the trends and opportunities that are emerging in the field of sustainable transportation.

She is co-developer and project manager of the SMART MobiPlatform (MobiPrize,MobiNet and MobiLab). Mobi is a global platform for entrepreneurs and industry players in the emerging New Mobility (sustainable transportation) industry. She focuses on new integration models and new business models that accelerate New Mobility and M-a-a-S(Mobility as a service) implementation and related industry and economic development.

She has a Masters in Urban Design from the University of Michigan in the US and Bachelors in Architecture from Sushant School of Art and Architecture in India.