Brian Polowniak

Chair for Investment Committee

Brian Polowniak

Brian Polowniak is a Partner of Kyyba Ventures, a venture firm that focuses on connected cars, digital health and disruptive technologies. Mr. Polowniak is an Executive Advisor to a $3.3 billion P.E in New York, and ran a $100 million investment fund. He has built a worldwide consulting practice in the areas of business strategy development, relationship strategy, global growth focus, executive management business direction, market segmentation, sales strategy and global customer development. In addition Mr. Polowniak has been the CEO of three companies.

For more than 20 years, Polowniak was President and CEO of Solution Strategies, a global consulting firm that helped clients implement structured business processes to realize an immediate impact on revenue, profit and customer development. Polowniak also has 15 years of sales and executive management experience at Fortune 500 companies, including positions as Vice President of Sales at ALTE, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson, and as President of Kimberly Services, North America. He has been recognized extensively for his personal and team sales success receiving the “Sales Executive of the Year” award.

Polowniak holds bachelors and master's degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has served as an Army Officer awarded numerous medals for combat operations such as the Bronze star, First Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal, Cross of Gallantry and Combat Infantry Badge. In addition, Brian is a public speaker and has been a Key Note Speaker for multiple corporations: University of Michigan, Collins and Aikman, W.L. Gore, Lucent Technologies, Textile Manufacturers of the United States, U.S. Indian Bureau of Affairs and Dow Corning.